The World Cup in Africa and a huge storm in my head.
After a day with many differents emotions, gained points and lost points, the only thing I've got was a balance of things I haven't done, but I should have to.
I went out alone. I walked down the street, with my own devices, my thoughts. And then, I started thinking about games. And I wondered: when it comes for life, soccer, jobs and relationships, why are we always involved in "split balls"?
'Cause, in this kind of move, someones get happy and someones get hurt.
Perhaps this is a horrible thing, but is part of the game we play.
In a relationship we have three lives.
Let's see: the particular life of one, the particular life of the other and the life that them both have together.
Respecting the particularities of these three lives, and do the best for live them at the right time, makes the relationship work better than you can ever imagine.
Try it!
When I open the guard, baby... I dive. I dive too deep.
The same happens when I decide for something.
It's decided! I do not rewind the tape.
:: SURE ::
A couple of months and the memories of a night we spent together, yesterday.
A brownie at Terzetto, with looks, gifts and smiles.
A petting at Arpoador, the lights of the ships, the wind, the coconut trees.
And a kiss at Real with the certainty there's a huge affection between us.
:: I HOPE... ::
too early to be whoever you wanna be.
Theres no time limit.
Start whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same.
There are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it.
I hope you can make the best of it.
I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope meet people with a different point of view.
I hope you live a life you're proud of.
And if you find that you're not,
I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
Benjamin Button
After lunch and those conversations, I started thinking about the human nature.
In our lives, we're always living and looking for relationships. All kind of person: men, women, youngs, teens and olds. Looking for a good partner, the best of all.
Perhaps, this is the human nature, being ever inside the storms of a relationship, till freeze the heart enough for don't get hurt anymore.
But the problem is: while we're trying to make a relationship work with somebody, we forget to make the relationship we have with ourselves work.
And then, with these affirmations, I couldn't help, but wonder: are we doomed to live in a relationship till death do us part?
When it comes for choices, why do I keep in doubt?
Every single time... It's my inglorious!
It's enough two different things to put me in a crossroad. Horrible!
I may spend two hours thinking. It's a huge spending of time.
"Embora ninguém possa voltar atrás
e fazer um novo começo,
qualquer um pode começar agora
e fazer um novo fim."
I couldn't help, but wonder: money is like a penitence from above or something like that, because you live your life by it and worry yourself because of it! It drives us crazy!
Think on you is a constant in my life, but I don't write it how much I could or should.
I don't know why. Don't get me wrong.
Even in miles away, you're in my moments, in my choices. In the wine I drink, in the english I try. All desserts and espressos.
Now we belong together, some way.
And it's not about words, but what I really feel.
And it's true.

The cold wind, the movie, the dream, the candy. Those all signs, but only one thought, only one certainty: no matter how long, how many days, months or years I'll spend in a relationship with my own self, 'cause the point is... I'm still the one I love. And the best about all of this, is that I want to find somebody who loves the one I love.
No mess, no delusions, no desillusions.
Just love and everything it can offer.
Hoje é o dia Liberdade de Imprensa.
Que imprensa?
Que liberdade?
Today is the press freedom's day.
What press?
What freedom?
Parei, diversas vezes, para pensar que combinação de palavras usar para contar a história da nossa amizade. Falhei em todas. Porque, talvez - caindo naquele lugar comum, seja difícil enquadrar essa amizade em meias palavras.
Quando pulamos para o grau seguinte, separaram-nos de escola. Pode ter sido uma tocaia da vida irônica, uma emboscada. Não foi capaz, no entanto, de estremecer a estrutura da amizade que já havia criado alicerces suficientes para se manter viva - apesar de separados. Essa, foi, por sua vez, a maior prova de que aquilo perduraria pro resto de nossas vidas.
Penso que existem diversos tipos de amigos. Aqueles que você convive diariamente, os que duram uma primavera, duas no máximo. Há aqueles que transforman-se em vício. Outros que servem só para cerveja, boite e noitada. Mas, ainda bem, há aqueles que não precisam de mais nada, apenas da certeza de que somos amigos. Não é necessário provar, regar, alimentar, porque é tão sincero, tão verdadeiro como amor de irmão. Simplesmente existe e é forte suficiente para durar para sempre.
Lembro-me dos finais de semana que íamos, religiosamente, para o "Shopping do Alto" fazer nada demais. Das voltas de bicicleta nas tardes depois da escola. De quando consegui ca

Infelizmente a vida fez com que os nossos caminhos se descruzassem, mas, uma vez cruzados no passado, a distancia, por maior que seja, não é suficiente para enfraquecer. Cada qual vivendo sua vida em cada canto, mas, ainda assim, ao primeiro encontro, é como se fosse nos velhos tempos!
Muitos passaram nessa jornada, mas só nós ficamos!
Confesso que me senti profundamente lisonjeado quando recebi o convite para ser padrinho do seu casamento [com a mulher que ele conhecera nos nossos tempos de escola, ainda], porque lembro-me quando me disse que faria isso quando casasse, e feliz por entender o convite como a certeza de que ainda me considera O SEU AMIGO!
Muito obrigado.

and other you don't. But in the end, they are the people you always come home to.