Ela vai me levar. E eu preciso acreditar.
Não posso deixar isso morrer.
Teimosia, sempre.
Last night, I went out to walk. Alone.
I saw the moon. Shining white in a dark sky.
It was quite blue, quite romantic. Stunning.
And then, I started thinking about "being alone".
I think it's a human natural condition, because we're all alone. Always. And each one has your own light to shine in a dark sky.
But, the point is: you need wisdom enough to let your light shine alone.
Because the big problem of the people is that they only get to let their own light shine when they're in the company of another one. And it can soar as dependence.
Being alone can means being wise.
Yesterday, after a long time,

"My graduation happened yesterday!" She told me.
It was very embarassing.
It fell like a bomb in my head. And I started remembering of an ex-partner of mine, telling me I'm quite distracted and that it may soar like a disinterest from my part. And I stayed very angry with myself, 'cause it doesn't work like that. I am not a disinterested person.
I started walking back home and decided to stop at a Caffeteria to have an espresso. And then, I realized: sometimes, it's not about remind or do not remind things, dates, whatever. But the importance you gave to the happening of the history. She knows me and knows my defects and virtues. This is me. This is who I am. And, by the grace of God, I'll find someboy who will love the Leonardo that I am. With all my defects and all my virtues.
And suddenly, my cellphone rang. Was my girl-friend, inviting me for her party, that would happen in two hours later. I knew that would happen that party, but I didn't know that would be on saturday night. She invited me to go with her and I understood it like a prove that didn't matter I've forgotten the day before, or I had confused the days.
So, we met ourselves and had fun together, through the night. I know she loves the Leonardo that I am and accept me, natural, pure with all defects and all virtues.
When we buy a package, we buy it all!

the simple girls and the Katie girls.
I am a Katie girl.
- Carrie Bradshaw -
It's too cold outside.
Here I am, inside my bedroom, surfing the web. I started remembering my last night.
And then, I couldn't help thinking: there are days we shouldn't even go out home.
An awful party, a quite embarassing situation. I was not comfortable.
I'm not sure if it's time, now, for a new relationship.
It's time to invest in myself.
I think it's my only time.
Now, with the little wisdom I've got by the few experiences I've ever had in my life, I realized there's two different kind of people. Those who that just have a speech with no action and those who that just have action but with no speech.
I do prefer the second type of person.
How can a quite particular smell makes the memories come surfacing my mind like bubbles in the sea?
The first date, the pesto, the red wine.
The laughs we gave together.
The glances we exchanged at the restaurant.
It was like a movie in front of my eyes, just because I felt the smell of a perfume.
Ain't funny?
No último sábado, dia 07, foi minha estréia no mundo dos cocktails. Trabalhei como Barback num evento particular.
Muito Sex On The Beach, Blue Lagoon, agitação, risos, contratempos, cantadas, olhares... Foi uma experiência muito interessante e divertida.
O registro da imagem não é dos melhores, mas vale, ainda assim.
Até a próxima Bartenderia!
É saber que não tem mais a inconstância da adolescência, porém ainda não tem a responsabilidade da vida adulta.
Já ter namorado seriamente algumas vezes, mas querer ainda, e cada vez mais, um relacionamento sólido.
Ter feito uma faculdade, procurado emprego, e então, ao fim da caçada, descobrir que nada daquilo o satisfez ou estava certo.
É reclamar dos pais, dos patrões e, até mesmo, dos amigos. E depois constatar que não há nada melhor do que conviver com eles.
Saber, no fundo, que a vida foi mais do que justa, porque sempre tem alguém em pior situação.
É não encontrar definição para o que está acontecendo.
Querer uma causa para abraçar.
Largar tudo para tomar uma cerveja.
Olhar para o futuro com pressa e para o passado com nostalgia.
Entender e, ao mesmo tempo, não entender o porquê de tudo dar errado.
Matar-se para que tudo dê certo.
Viver como se ainda tivesse todo o tempo do mundo e se sentir pressionado como se amanhã fosse o último dia.
E saber que somente no futuro poder-se-á definir o que é ter vinte e poucos anos e sentir toda a falta disso.